Patients Stories

Other conditions


I first went to see Olivia in May 2008, after being recommended by a friend who was having treatment to help her conceive. I wanted to try acupuncture as my periods had become irregular and I was having some unpleasant symptoms, including hot flushes. I was keen to get my cycle back for general health reasons and, as I also suffer from ME, was hoping the treatments would help me relax and possibly improve my sleep pattern and general energy levels. I had also recently been diagnosed with an ovarian cyst and was looking for a method of treatment, which avoided surgery.

I found the treatment to be immediately helpful. I actually had a period about two and a half weeks after the first treatment. Olivia also prescribed some Chinese herbs, which helped with some of the hot flushes and alleviated some of the fatigue associated with my ME. She also inserted some small needles which could be left in my ears to help with my sleep pattern. My cyst eventually resolved itself after several months.

Olivia was always professional during our sessions and I felt that she really took time to think about what would be the right treatment for me, depending on how I was each time I saw her. I would describe her approach to healing as quite intuitive. Her manner was also very calm, which made me relax immediately and the sessions were always beneficial and restorative.


My first experience of acupuncture was under the careful hands of Olivia Shaw. I was reassured by her professional manner and attention to detail that she was really focusing on my individual concerns.

Her practice is very peaceful and relaxing and, as Olivia always gives a quiet and unhurried treatment, I always leave feeling much calmer.

After the first few sessions with Olivia I saw a marked improvement and have been delighted with the ongoing results. Acupuncture seems to be working for me and I would highly recommend Olivia to anyone looking for a careful and considered treatment.


I, like I expect most newcomers to acupuncture, was fairly apprehensive before visiting Olivia. However, her welcoming and warm manner put me completely at ease. Also, her professional treatment and, more importantly – her ability to find the source of my [back] pain and begin to immediately deal with it – meant that I left feeling recovered, as well as far more relaxed. I would recommend Olivia’s professional and caring service to anyone, and would be happy to be contacted to provide a personal recommendation.


I have suffered from migraine headaches for most of my life and have kept them under control using conventional drugs. I wanted to cut down my need to rely on these in the long term and have been delighted with the results of my acupuncture treatment with Harmony and Balance. The treatments have reduced the frequency and severity of attacks and the general holistic attitude has enabled me to focus on other areas such as diet and sleep patterns. Olivia is a first class practitioner – especially in overcoming my initial nervousness and squeamishness about having acupuncture.


A treatment with Olivia is always a treat, as well as improving and helping the health issues I came with, I always go home feeling so much more relaxed and balanced.

Mrs G

Last year, when my sinus attacks become so frequent and so severe that I found myself taking antibiotics twice a month, I decided to turn to alternative therapy for help. This came in the form of a wonderful lady, Olivia Shaw, who was recommended to me and has changed my life completely. For the first time I was given an explanation in terms of Chinese medicine which made great sense as to why my sinus attacks occur simultaneously with stomach problems. Olivia’s treatments including acupuncture, cupping and massage always left me feeling good and relaxed, whilst at the same time relieving the severe pains associated with sinus. My treatments which I called “my fix” gave me the added benefit of relieving all the stresses and strains associated with everyday busy life. The remedies she prescribed have offered a wonderful solution to keeping the sinus attacks at bay without the danger of side affects associated with ongoing doses of antibiotics. Now I know why Olivia was so highly recommended to me and I now in turn am very happy to be able to offer the same recommendation to anyone reading this.


I was recommended to Olivia by a friend, who was delighted by the treatment she’d received, so I thought that I would give acupuncture a try. I have had asthma all my life – as well as hayfever and numerous allergies – so have tried a number of treatments, including alternative ones, over the years.

My experience with Olivia was excellent. She has a fantastic, calming persona and although I was initially a little bit scared about what the treatment entailed, she instantly installed confidence and eased my nerves. The acupuncture didn’t hurt as I had expected and I felt an instant result and improvement in my health and overall well being.

I saw Olivia for over a year, and noticed an definite benefit from receiving the treatment from her – especially with my hayfever and allergies, as I went from taking an antihistamine tablet every day over the summer months, to not at all. A miracle!

I would highly recommend Olivia to anyone considering acupuncture and I am very sad she is no longer in the UK to continue treating me.


I was suffering from Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) which can lead to Giant Cell Arteritis (Temporal Arteritis) and suffered long bouts of agonising pain affecting all my large muscles. It was necessary to take conventional medication but it didn’t have much affect so I decided to look for alternatives.

I found Olivia extremely thorough with her case notes and on each visit she followed up on everything we had discussed previously. She was also very good at putting you at ease with her quiet demeanour and calm atmosphere. After each session I felt very relaxed and following regular visits my painful periods became less frequent, then only affecting my shoulders and eventually I had no pain at all. At the later sessions Olivia introduced body massage as well as the acupuncture which I continued even when I was well.


I was recommended to Olivia by a colleague because I was experiencing widespread pain, which had become increasingly unbearable. Nothing else had worked, including exercise, painkillers and even the last resort, cortisone. I was given all sorts of conflicting advice in relation to analgesia and exercise.

After a couple of treatments of acupuncture with you not only did I experience pain relief, but Olivia also put her finger on a diagnosis – accepted by my GP as the probable cause of the symptoms, for which I had received treatment for many years without any understanding of what the true cause was. As Olivia said herself, it was a “lightbulb” moment – and one for which I am eternally grateful. It has finally given me an appropriate option on pharmaceutical treatment as well as highlighting the power of acupuncture as both remedy and therapy.

Thanks Olivia. I would not say I was now pain-free but it is certainly easier to manage – not least because I know what the cause is.


The first time I saw Olivia she had been recommended to me by my daughter who suffers very badly with Rheumatoid Arthritis and who Olivia has helped enormously. I had been in a great deal of pain with my lower back. I was unable to sit still for very long, was existing on numerous painkillers throughout the day and the pain which extended down the outside of my right leg was just like a constant toothache.

After the first session with Olivia I felt immediate relief. Being somewhat skeptical about acupuncture, it was a wonderful surprise and a great relief to be in less pain.

I was advised by Olivia that I would need a number of sessions before I would be completely free of pain in my back and she was absolutely correct.

My treatment consisted of acupuncture, massage and cupping. I found the whole experience extremely enjoyable. These methods of treatment all brought great relief, not only to my back pain which has now completely gone, but also helped my feeling of wellbeing and health throughout the whole of my body.

Olivia is a professional in every way and very caring, I have no hesitation at all in recommending her.


I started treatment with Olivia in May 2005 because I have rheumatoid arthritis which affects every joint in my body and the pain and discomfort can be very severe which only strong medication can help and even then not very much and not without some horrible side effects. I discovered Olivia after searching for an acupuncturist online and her website immediately drew me in. Olivia has helped relieve my condition enormously; I have been able to cut my medication by half since seeing her. Olivia takes pride in her work and is extremely dedicated to helping people; she really listens to everything you say. Olivia has neverending patience in wanting to help and keeps working until she sees a positive result in her treatment. I never had any hesitation in recommending her to friends and family and the people that went to see her were always so thankful to me for telling them about her.


After suffering a mild stroke a couple of years ago at the age of 48, Olivia treated me for the after effects of the episode. After only a small number of treatments, the acupuncture completely cured the slight numbness on my left side as well as helping reduce my high blood pressure. I had never thought of having acupuncture before and must admit that I was slightly skeptical. However the results she achieved were nothing short of excellent and I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending Olivia. She is a calm, consummate professional, a great listener and believes that any treatment should always complement any conventional medical treatment you might be receiving.

Women’s health issues


I found Olivia after searching on the internet for an acupuncturist in my local area. I came for treatments weekly for the first month and then fortnightly thereon. I was having treatment to manage the immense pain I was suffering during my periods.
After one month or so, I had reduced my pain-killer intake from 12 a day to just 4 a day at the beginning of my period. I was extremely pleased with the results and continued treatment for a further two months, with further improved results. Aside from the menstrual results, I also found the treatments very relaxing and the whole experience beneficial. I felt comfortable to speak openly with Olivia, and I received support in many ways from her warmth and concern.

Mrs E

I met Olivia Shaw through my then boyfriend, now husband, D. I needed treatment as I have PCOS and wanted to sort out my very irregular periods, with a view to eventually getting pregnant.

I was really unsure what to expect, and my husband, who is a conventional doctor, was initially quite skeptical about the whole thing.

After my initial session and introduction to acupuncture (I had never had a session before), I felt deeply relaxed and felt that I was benefiting in some way that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. I had initially bonded with Olivia as a friend, but found that it was easy to slip into a more professional practitioner/patient relationship with her when we were having our sessions. She has a very gentle way about her, always sympathetic and compassionate.

I decided to go ahead with a fairly intensive three-month programme involving an acupuncture session initially once a week and Chinese herbs (these I had to boil up myself and drink the resulting concoction daily). I was also to take my temperature every morning on waking and then mark it on a graph (Basal Temperature Chart) to see what it was doing. My temperature became a very good gauge of how my body was responding to the treatment.

When I started the treatment in early Feb 2007 I hadn’t had a period since the previous December and my temperature was see-sawing all over the place. By the end of March, I’d had my first period, and from the way my temperature readings were beginning to regulate, it was clear that my body was responding positively to the treatment. Interesting to note, my initially skeptical soon-to-be-husband was quickly being won over! I also felt a lot better in myself and looked forward to the feelings of relaxation that the sessions would leave me with. The needles were never painful – Olivia is very gentle and tells you exactly what she is doing so it’s not scary in any way.

D and I got married at the end of June 2007, and we immediately began to try for a family. Because of my history of PCOS and irregular periods, we assumed that we would be in for a long wait, but to our surprise and delight, I fell pregnant a month after the wedding. Our baby was born the following April – a beautiful baby girl!


As a sufferer of Polycystic Ovaries I needed fertility treatment to conceive my first child. I was consequently shocked and elated to fall pregnant a second time whilst breastfeeding. Sadly the pregnancy resulted in a traumatic miscarriage and I was keen to find an acupuncturist to help me get my body back into shape before trying again.

I found Olivia through the internet and bonded with her instantly. She immediately inspired confidence with her in-depth knowledge of fertility issues. She would explain her proposed courses of treatment before implementing them so I clearly understood what she was doing, allowing me to just relax and allow my body to respond. Within two months of seeing Olivia I had my first natural period in over ten years and within four months I was pregnant!


I first went to see Olivia in May 2008, after being recommended by a friend who was having treatment to help her conceive. I wanted to try acupuncture as my periods had become irregular and I was having some unpleasant symptoms, including hot flushes. I was keen to get my cycle back for general health reasons and, as I also suffer from ME, was hoping the treatments would help me relax and possibly improve my sleep pattern and general energy levels. I had also recently been diagnosed with an ovarian cyst and was looking for a method of treatment, which avoided surgery.

I found the treatment to be immediately helpful. I actually had a period about two and a half weeks after the first treatment. Olivia also prescribed some Chinese herbs, which helped with some of the hot flushes and alleviated some of the fatigue associated with my ME. She also inserted some small needles which could be left in my ears to help with my sleep pattern. My cyst eventually resolved itself after several months.

Olivia was always professional during our sessions and I felt that she really took time to think about what would be the right treatment for me, depending on how I was each time I saw her. I would describe her approach to healing as quite intuitive. Her manner was also very calm, which made me relax immediately and the sessions were always beneficial and restorative.


I was recommended to Olivia Shaw by a previous, highly satisfied, client of hers, though for a different complaint – irregular periods. I had not considered acupuncture before for this problem, and had tried conventional medical treatment with relatively little success. Following an in depth consultation with Olivia during which we discussed my medical history, my lifestyle and the complaint itself, she suggested and implemented a clear and easy to follow “prescription” which included acupuncture, herbs and easy to implement, suggestions on how I could better manage my menstrual cycle. I found her calm, knowledgeable and sympathetic approach gave me confidence in the treatments, and quickly, my periods returned to normal. I would thoroughly recommend her, and wish she had stayed in the UK so that I could have continued treatments with her.


I suffer from endometriosis and after 3 years of trying to conceive , I found Olivia’s details on the internet and thought to try acupuncture as a way of complementing IUI treatment I was due to have. I have always been afraid of needles but Olivia put me at ease and not only did the acupuncture help me mentally, I also found myself pregnant within weeks of beginning acupuncture treatment without having to undergo IUI. I would not hesitate in recommending Olivia for fertility treatment and beyond.


I turned to acupuncture to try to alleviate the severe period pains that I had suffered for many years. Conventional medicine was a disappointment and tended to dull not only the pain, but most other sensory functions as well. While this short term “relief” dealt with the symptoms, I felt it didn’t really deal with the root of the problem and until this was addressed I was concerned that I would endure the same pains each month indefinitely.

So I searched for an alternative and this is where Olivia came in. As well as considering the physical aspect of my pain, she also looked at my overall constitution, lifestyle, emotional state, medical history and so on. While I am not nervous of needles, I was greatly calmed by the fact that she patiently explained what she was doing and what she hoped to accomplish every step of the way.

The results took about a month to kick in and were a revelation. I no longer suffer excruciating pain and am now able to function normally for 4 weeks of the month, instead of just 3!!

Pregnancy Acupuncture


I discovered Olivia advertising in a local parenting magazine and she treated me before, during and after the birth of my third child at the age of 42. Pregnancy acupuncture certainly helped with morning sickness, maintaining even blood pressure and general health and stamina. My daughter was born a day after her due date. I had a completely natural birth without any medical intervention. Acupuncture also proved really helpful when the time came to naturally induce the labor. I found acupuncture a very relaxing, painless treatment that I would recommend to all pregnant women.

Mrs E

I first went to see Olivia for acupuncture for help to conceive as myself and my husband had a few problems. Olivia was really supportive from the start. She helped me to ensure I was eating and drinking the right things and the acupuncture sessions were always really relaxing, more like visiting a good friend than a stranger. She set me up with an online diary, which she would also log into to check my progress. I had 2 sessions of acupuncture with Olivia and fell pregnant straightaway (after 18 months of trying).

Throughout the pregnancy, Olivia has supported me with acupuncture for morning sickness at the start and now to help with my energy levels at the end. I was a little bit nervous about acupuncture at the start but now am looking forward to my next session already!

I would recommend acupuncture to anyone trying to conceive and cannot recommend Olivia highly enough, she has a professional yet friendly manner and will go out of her way to find things out for you and help you with whatever you need.

Acupuncture and IVF


Last year my husband and I were refused IVF treatment by a respected fertility clinic, on the grounds that a routine blood test had revealed my FSH levels were well over those acceptable for IVF. In conventional medical terms, the opinion was that, at 42, I was approaching early menopause and there was no treatment available to help.

I’d already begun a course of pre-IVF acupuncture with Olivia, and was all set to cancel any further sessions when she explained how effective a combination of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine could be in restoring and balancing female hormones. Just as importantly, she saw that I had been through an extended period of stress which could have been the cause of my fluctuating hormones. Olivia’s advice was to combine fortnightly acupuncture with a carefully selected balance of Chinese herbs and to make some changes to my diet and lifestyle to help reduce and manage the stress levels. We decided to try this for three months, and then to repeat the blood tests at the clinic.

The clinic had done such a thorough job in convincing me there was nothing I could do to improve my chances of having another baby that, at first, I wasn’t convinced that any form of alternative treatment could help me. However, once I’d started Olivia’s plan, I quickly began to feel so physically and mentally well that it was clear the treatment was having some sort of fabulous effect on my well-being so I carried on until the repeat blood tests. This time the tests showed my hormone levels were back to normal and the IVF clinic, who were bemused by the changes, agreed to go ahead and treat me after all!

To the astonishment of everybody concerned, apart from Olivia, the first attempt at IVF was successful and I became pregnant with my longed for second child at the age of 42.

For me, there is no question that without Olivia’s careful, professional help, I wouldn’t be pregnant today.


My husband and I had been trying to conceive for 5 years, unsuccessfully, during which I found out that I had cysts on my ovaries and endometriosis. We were eventually referred for IVF. As we began to think about IVF I felt I needed something else to support me and the process. I was recommended to contact Olivia by a friend, this was my first time trying acupuncture and I was quite nervous – I didn’t need to be!

Throughout the lead up to IVF and during the treatment I saw Olivia – she always was so knowledgable, professional, calm and positive and at every stage spent time making sure she was fully up to date with my results and treatment plan. Olivia supported me with every aspect and gave me invaluable information to enhance my chances of a successful round. She was always there for me to ask questions and she offered support and guidance in between sessions by text. She also arranged for me to have sessions before and after embryo transfer. We were incredibly happy to have a positive pregnancy test following the first round with just 1 embryo! I continued to see Olivia throughout the pregnancy which I found reassuring and allowed me time to relax and think positively, with her support.

We were so happy when we gave birth to a baby boy in May 2018 – I fully believe that the support and care that Olivia gave made all the difference to the positive outcome for us and I would unreservedly recommend Olivia.

DM and AM

I had read many articles about the benefits of acupuncture and IVF. This was our forth (and final) attempt at IVF following unsuccessful cycles over a period of about seven years. I was getting older and the money was running out and so my husband and I decided to give it 110% and do everything we could to increase our chances.

I ‘found’ Olivia through the British Acupuncture Council and first spoke to her a few months prior to starting my treatment with her and the subsequent IVF cycle. She spent time speaking to me on the phone about the process, what she knew about the benefits of acupuncture during IVF and her many experiences. By the end of the call, I knew that she was the one: she knew her subject matter and had relevant experience to prove it.

I started my treatment 3 months prior to the IVF commencing. Olivia gave me advice on healthy eating according to traditional Chinese theory and she would check my progress normally on a weekly basis, along with carrying out the acupuncture treatment according to the pattern of my menstrual cycle. She always made me feel comfortable and in safe hands. What I also liked about Olivia is that when a session was not necessary, she wouldn’t hesitate to suggest skipping it to the following week.

As luck would have it, I am now 14 weeks pregnant and I am convinced that the acupuncture had everything to do with it. Even if it had not worked for my husband and me, I know that Olivia did everything within her control to give us the best chance possible to prepare my body for IVF. My husband and I will forever be grateful to her.

Nicky (age 41 – mother to twins after three and half years of trying)

I originally came across Olivia when I had been recommended an acupuncturist in Cobham, Surrey. Olivia was working from the practice and because of the days of the week that she worked tying in with my schedule and also her expertise with Chinese herbal medicine, I ended up seeing Olivia exclusively.

I had been having IVF treatment due to blocked tubes and also PCOS for approximately one and half years and in that time had had three attempts at full IVF. To add to the problems I had over-stimulated (OHSS) during the IVF treatment and had twice ended up being hospitalised with OHSS. I had previously had acupuncture with another clinic.

Once my treatment had started with Olivia I found she was keen to tackle every aspect of my fertility and immediately started me on a course of Chinese Medicine to clear any blockages and prepare my body for more IVF treatments. I had fortnightly acupuncture sessions and Olivia constantly reassessed how my body was reacting to both the medicine and the acupuncture.

Things stepped up when I started the IVF treatment and a great emphasis was made by Olivia to keep the OHSS under control and increase stimulation etc as much as possible. I had weekly visits to the clinic for acupuncture.

After egg collection the first signs of OHSS returned and Olivia stepped up the number of visits I had for acupuncture to keep the fluid moving and under control and I really feel this is part of what made the difference to this last cycle. On the day of embryo transfer Olivia attended the clinic with me so that immediately after transfer she was able to apply the acupuncture needles to help my uterus accept the embryos and keep the OHSS again at bay.

My whole experience with Olivia was an incredibly positive one, not only did I get pregnant with twins that are now 11 days old but I really felt that she did everything in her power to make it happen. She was always at the end of the phone or email to answer any questions and fit in appointments at short notice. I truly believe that I wouldn’t have got pregnant without Olivia’s help. I am forever in her debt.


My husband and I had decided to have IVF treatment following 6 months of tests at our local hospital as we had been trying to conceive for 1 year. I was 40 and my husband 35. I had gone into various websites to see what I could do to give myself the best chance of the IVF working. One thing I came across was to have Acupuncture. I again researched this on the Internet and came across Olivia’s practice which was local to me. I started going to Olivia before I started my treatment which was recommended.

Olivia was very thorough at my first appointment finding out everything about my lifestyle, including exercise eating habits etc. She also wanted to know about all my tests I had had at the hospital and the results. She gave me lots of advice on what to eat and stay healthy throughout my treatment. I went for acupuncture every other week and each time I went Olivia again asked how the treatment was going asking about how I was progressing at each stage. Olivia would explain exactly what she was doing at each session.

When I was due to have my embryos transferred she recommended I had a session before and after the treatment, this had to be done by the resident acupuncturist at the clinic. Fortunately for me the IVF treatment worked and I have recently given birth to twin boys….I continued to have treatment up until my 12 weeks scan

I cannot stress how much support Olivia gave me throughout the treatment, she always showed a great deal of interest in my progress and I still keep in contact with her now on the progress of the boys.

I have recommended Olivia to a friend and would suggest to anyone who is undergoing fertility treatment to think about trying acupuncture as for me I feel it contributed to the success of the IVF treatment.


In 2007, my partner was diagnosed with a lymphoma, which required powerful chemotherapy treatment. I was 41 years old and we had only decided in the preceding year or so that we wanted to try for children – rather late, I know. Apart from all of the other obvious implications of the diagnosis, it was also no longer going to be possible to conceive naturally because my partner would become infertile as a result of the treatment.

I went blindly into my first IVF/ICSI cycle, not really appreciating what was involved, placing myself into the hands of the fertility unit of the hospital where my partner was being treated. I was too busy worrying about my partner and my father (also being treated for cancer at the time) to investigate what I could be doing to improve my statistically slim chances of conceiving by IVF.

Following the failure of that cycle, I decided to be more proactive. I consulted an IVF specialist from one of the top London teaching hospitals with a renowned fertility clinic. He seemed to be a traditionalist in his approach to fertility treatment, so I was very surprised when he recommended that I try acupuncture. He said that there was scientific evidence to show that acupuncture improved the chances of conceiving and having a successful pregnancy.

I was given the details of Olivia’s practice and contacted her.

I found Olivia to be professional yet friendly, calm, thorough, knowledgeable and reassuring. Even though I had never previously contemplated using Chinese medicine, I felt totally at ease, safe and not at all apprehensive about the treatment.

Olivia asked questions about my lifestyle, diet and how my body generally functioned. She also wanted to be kept informed about the progress of the IVF cycle “hormone levels etc.“ so that she could adapt the treatment accordingly at each session. Olivia explained what each treatment session was trying to achieve, e.g. to improve blood supply to the uterus, etc.

I found the acupuncture itself to be very relaxing and very effective for shutting out external stresses. I felt relaxed and positive after each treatment. I genuinely feel that it helped me a lot at a very stressful time of my life.

More importantly, I have become pregnant twice since discovering acupuncture, at age 42! The first time, I had excellent eggs and embryos, but, unfortunately, the pregnancy was ectopic, which sometimes happens. Only three months later, however, I became pregnant again. I am now past my first trimester and hoping to have a healthy baby in the summer when I will be 43 years old!

I would have no hesitation in recommending Olivia and would now be willing to try acupuncture for other purposes as well.

Mrs H

After years of trying for a baby fertility tests eventually confirmed that we were going to need ICSI/IVF. Knowing that often more than one cycle is needed, we were anxious to do all that we could to increase our chances for conception and acupuncture seemed like a way forward. I received treatment prior to the ICSI/IVF to get myself in the best possible condition and then again throughout the actual fertility treatment. We conceived on the first cycle! I have no doubt that the acupuncture contributed to our success. I felt in great shape mentally and physically both before and throughout the treatment and had a better understanding of my body and how it works. Thank you Olivia for your sensitive and thoughtful treatment you really helped us to remain clam and relaxed throughout a very stressful period. Our baby boy brings us so much joy thank you.


Olivia was recommended to me by a friend when my husband and I were experiencing problems conceiving. I knew nothing of acupuncture – apart from that it involved needles – and was somewhat skeptical before making my first appointment, wondering how it was going to help with my particular problem. However, when I arrived at Olivia’s homely clinic, I was soon put at ease by her friendly yet professional manner as she asked me questions about my life and explained the procedure of acupuncture and how it works. Olivia showed empathy for my plight and offered advice on how to increase my chances of conceiving in conjunction with the treatment.

I will admit that I wasn’t able to relax entirely during my first visit, despite the comfortable surroundings and conducive music, as I was not sure what exactly was happening. However, I noticed a marked difference at my second appointment when I found myself relaxed almost to the point of sleeping! I fell pregnant shortly afterwards and took great pleasure in contacting Olivia with my news. I would certainly recommend Olivia’s services and would go back again myself should the need ever arise.

Fertility Acupuncture

Mrs T

I am in my early 40’s. My husband and I have tried for several years. I have severe endometriosis with endometrioma in both my ovaries. I have had 3 failed cycles of IVF, was diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve and was eventually recommended to consider donor eggs. I decided to visit Olivia and after 6 months I got pregnant naturally. I am now over 20 weeks pregnant (naturally pregnant with my first child).

Olivia has a holistic approach. She understood and took notes of my medical history. She recommended supplements and provided lifestyle advice to complement her treatment. Olivia helped me reduce my pain post the 3 cycles of IVF. My BBT charts started to show more regularity and a more normal/healthier pattern. In the 6th month of her treatment, we got a positive pregnancy test! We were absolutely delighted and over the moon with joy!

On a personal level Olivia is always very clam, informative and caring. She is always very attentive and closely monitors her patients in detail. Her care is not limited to the sessions while you are with her at her clinic, but she is always approachable and responsive inbetween sessions as well. Being treated by Olivia you can tell she has a passion for what she does. Based on her experience, she has built up vast knowledge where she does not hesitate to share the knowledge and recommendations with her patients.

Olivia has played a great part in our fertility journey and to help get us where we are today. My husband and I would highly recommend Olivia and can’t thank her enough. [Note from Olivia – Although not mentioned here, I also prescribed Chinese Herbal medicine to Mrs T for three months before conceiving, which she took around the time of ovulation and in the second half of her cycle].


I was recommended to Olivia by a fellow acupuncturist to aid my treatment through IVF as she was also experienced in Chinese herbs.

Olivia was professional and very respectful of the treatment that I was going through.

Unfortunately my IVF failed, however 4 weeks after I got a positive pregnancy test. I am now sitting here with my 11 week old little girl.

I wish I had found Olivia earlier and used acupuncture longer before starting IVF as I wholeheartedly believe it helped with getting my much longed for baby.

Mrs E

I met Olivia Shaw through my then boyfriend, now husband, D. I needed treatment as I have PCOS and wanted to sort out my very irregular periods, with a view to eventually getting pregnant.

I was really unsure what to expect, and my husband, who is a conventional doctor, was initially quite skeptical about the whole thing.

After my initial session and introduction to acupuncture (I had never had a session before), I felt deeply relaxed and felt that I was benefiting in some way that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. I had initially bonded with Olivia as a friend, but found that it was easy to slip into a more professional practitioner/patient relationship with her when we were having our sessions. She has a very gentle way about her, always sympathetic and compassionate.

I decided to go ahead with a fairly intensive three-month programme involving an acupuncture session initially once a week and Chinese herbs (these I had to boil up myself and drink the resulting concoction daily). I was also to take my temperature every morning on waking and then mark it on a graph (Basal Temperature Chart) to see what it was doing. My temperature became a very good gauge of how my body was responding to the treatment.

When I started the treatment in early Feb 2007 I hadn’t had a period since the previous December and my temperature was see-sawing all over the place. By the end of March, I’d had my first period, and from the way my temperature readings were beginning to regulate, it was clear that my body was responding positively to the treatment. Interesting to note, my initially skeptical soon-to-be-husband was quickly being won over! I also felt a lot better in myself and looked forward to the feelings of relaxation that the sessions would leave me with. The needles were never painful – Olivia is very gentle and tells you exactly what she is doing so it’s not scary in any way.

D and I got married at the end of June 2007, and we immediately began to try for a family. Because of my history of PCOS and irregular periods, we assumed that we would be in for a long wait, but to our surprise and delight, I fell pregnant a month after the wedding. Our baby was born the following April – a beautiful baby girl!

Mrs M

E. was born just 4 days late. I had the water birth I wanted and a decent 11hr labor. She weighed in at 6lb 7oz and 10 days later is above birth weight, feeding well and even slept from midnight to 8am this morning – the midwife comfortingly assures us that it won’t last, but I don’t believe her – there were times not so long ago when I didn’t believe that we would be blessed with a child at all. Thank you for helping us to make her happen.


As a sufferer of Polycystic Ovaries I needed fertility treatment to conceive my first child. I was consequently shocked and elated to fall pregnant a second time whilst breastfeeding. Sadly the pregnancy resulted in a traumatic miscarriage and I was keen to find an acupuncturist to help me get my body back into shape before trying again.

I found Olivia through the internet and bonded with her instantly. She immediately inspired confidence with her in-depth knowledge of fertility issues. She would explain her proposed courses of treatment before implementing them so I clearly understood what she was doing, allowing me to just relax and allow my body to respond. Within two months of seeing Olivia I had my first natural period in over ten years and within four months I was pregnant!


I found Olivia via an advertisement whilst searching for a treatment to regulate my periods in my attempt to become pregnant.

From our first telephone conversation, I felt very at ease with Olivia and confident that she would try her best to help me.

I found Olivia to be very knowledgeable on the subject of fertility and she explained things in simple terms. I was very touched at her excitement when we achieved a normal menstrual cycle; however, as the weeks progressed and she felt that the treatment could not help me, she was extremely honest and advised me to discontinue treatment.

I would recommend Olivia as an acupuncture practitioner to anyone interested in trying this form of treatment. It is not painful or uncomfortable (even if you don’t like needles) and Olivia makes you feel very at ease.


I discovered Olivia advertising in a local parenting magazine and she treated me before, during and after the birth of my third child at the age of 42. Acupuncture certainly helped with morning sickness, maintaining even blood pressure and general health and stamina. My daughter was born a day after her due date. I had a completely natural birth without any medical intervention. Acupuncture also proved really helpful when the time came to naturally induce the labor. I found acupuncture a very relaxing, painless treatment that I would recommend to all pregnant women.


I found out about Olivia and the treatments that she offers through research on the internet. I went to see her for help in improving my fertility as my husband and I had been trying for a baby for a while without success. I thought that we might be facing fertility treatment so wanted to do everything I could to give my body a helping hand. Well it was the best decision I ever made. Through having regular sessions of acupuncture and also some herbal medicine to give me a boost it turned out that in 9 months I became pregnant completely naturally! As well as the treatment, I found that just having Olivia as a listening ear really helped to calm and relax my mind. I urge anyone who is considering the treatments Olivia offers to give it a go. I promise you that it truly will reap its rewards!


I have endometriosis and after 3 years of trying to conceive, I found Olivia’s details on the internet and thought to try acupuncture as a way of complementing IUI treatment I was due to have. I have always been afraid of needles but Olivia put me at ease and not only did the acupuncture help me mentally, I also found myself pregnant within weeks of beginning acupuncture treatment without having to undergo IUI. I would not hesitate in recommending Olivia for fertility treatment and beyond.

Patient’s Stories

The best endorsement that any practitioner can have is from their patients.

On my website, I have included a selection of testimonials from my patients who have received acupuncture treatment and/or herbal medicine from me for infertility, women’s health issues, pregnancy-related conditions and a range of other medical issues.

I have grouped their stories together under the following headings:

If you are inspired by these stories and feel ready to take control of your health, then please email me or call me in confidence to discuss how Chinese medicine can help.